Hi John!
DC WFP has already endorsed Robert White for Mayor, Erin Palmer for DC Council Chair, Brianne Nadeau for Councilmember in Ward 1, and Zachary Parker for Councilmember in Ward 5.
Next we’re going to consider endorsements in the races for At-Large Councilmember, Ward 3 Councilmember, Attorney General, Delegate, and Shadow Representative. There are several candidates to consider in each of these races: learn more about the people running for these seats.
Learn about the candidates
We want to make sure candidates who put people over profit are the ones who win in June, and our member vote is one part of how we decide which candidates to support. Our member vote is non-binding and will be used by DC WFP leadership to determine an endorsement.
Voting for our next endorsements will begin on Monday, but only DC WFP members will be able to participate in the vote. Become a DC WFP member with a $10/month recurring donation by Sunday, April 10 at 11:59pm ET to participate in the vote:
Become a DC WFP member
The candidates who win the races for At-Large Councilmember, Ward 3 Councilmember, Attorney General, Delegate, and Shadow Representative will shape policy in DC for years to come.
We want you to be part of it: learn more about the candidates and then become a DC WFP member today to help determine who we should endorse.
In solidarity,

Become a Working Families Party Member! Other political groups have corporate donors. We have you. Just $10 a month supports our fight.
This is a message from DC Working Families Party.