A Massachusetts woman is now living in her car after the state stole her home



Deborah Foss spent most of the winter living out of her car in New Bedford, Massachusetts.

In January, the 67-year-old grandmother, in the throes of severe illnesses, lost her home and her life savings in a predatory tax foreclosure scheme known as home equity theft.

But rather than give in to hopelessness, writes Brittany Hunter, Deborah is fighting back.

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New PLF case: Massage therapist businesses fight back against illegal, warrantless searches and seizures


Theresa Vondra is proud of the massage therapy business she’s built in Billings, Montana, and the trust she’s built with her patients, many of whom have sensitive medical or psychological conditions.

That privacy is under threat, however. A new city ordinance subjects massage therapy business owners to warrantless, unannounced searches and seizures as a condition of doing business.

Forced to choose between their livelihoods and their rights to property and privacy, Theresa and other massage therapy business owners in Billings are fighting back.

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The Regulatory Review: The Biden administration should not sunset the Sunset Rule


white house

Year two of the Biden administration shows no sign of slowdown in undermining legal constraints on federal agencies’ powers.

Case in point, explains Charles Yates, is the president’s intent to repeal one of the most critical regulatory reforms made during the Trump administration.

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