The D2N2 partnership, which facilitates collaboration between Nottingham City, Nottinghamshire, Derby City and Derbyshire councils, has secured ?10.5m of UK Community Renewal Fund monies. This fund aims to encourage innovative schemes to help kickstart the local economy by investing in skills, helping people into employment, supporting local businesses to grow and develop, and helping local communities become more resilient and sustainable. Across the D2N2 region the?fund will be supporting a range of projects to support businesses. These include:
Employment & Skills: Volunteer It Yourself (VIY) will be working with local youth groups, charities, youth organisations, schools and colleges, to offer young people aged 16 to 24 on-the-job, accredited construction training, mentoring, work placement and apprenticeship opportunities.
Newstart from Groundwork will support local employers to grow their business by creating new roles to support business expansion, with grants towards placements and carbon footprint reduction.
Business Support: East Midlands Chamber are delivering the East Midlands Accelerator project which will help businesses to access financial support to start their journey towards carbon neutrality, implement digital and e-commerce solutions,?access specialist mentoring and financial support to launch a new business or product and improve job retention. B-Global, a local business network for Black, Asian and minority ethnic business owners, will also deliver business support to SMEs through events and one-to-one support.
Communities and Place: A University of Nottingham?project will continue to help Nottingham City Council identify strategies to meet its ambitious carbon targets within the housing sector.
It?s great to see these projects come together and more information will follow as they launch.
For more information and business support the D2N2 Growth Hub delivers a single contact point for businesses and Nottingham Jobs supports both job seekers and employers.