Are you sick and tired of Twitter censoring voices that don't match their left-wing agenda?
So am I. As a matter of fact, my team at the Babylon Bee is locked out of our Twitter account right now because we dared to state the shocking truth that a man is a man.
You may have read about it in the news, or seen me talking about it with Tucker Carlson on Fox News a few nights ago.
Right now, Twitter is demanding that we delete our "offensive" tweet in order to have our account reinstated.
But I promise you - that's not going to happen.
Instead, we're standing our ground. We're standing for the truth. And if you believe that free-thinking Americans need to fight back against the woke agenda of Big Tech companies like Twitter, then I'm asking you to stand with us today.
The Babylon Bee is Twitter's number-one target right now - and all because we dared to mock their left-wing orthodoxy.
We posted this tweet a few weeks back, naming Dr. Rachel Levine, a transgender member of the Biden administration, our "Man of the Year." It was our satirical response to USA Today's decision to name Dr. Levine their "Woman of the Year."
Shortly after, I received an email from Twitter letting me know that they were locking the Babylon Bee team out of our account for violating their "hateful conduct" policy.
Since then, a few of our editors have been locked out of their accounts, and others who have expressed their support of the Bee have been forced to delete their tweets or face suspension as well.
And all of this backlash comes because we dared to state the truth: That Rachel Levine, a biological male, is not a woman.
Twitter's hateful conduct policy begins with a ringing tribute to freedom of expression "without barriers." They describe their role as being "to serve the public conversation, which requires representation of a diverse range of perspectives."
Yet they've baked their controversial gender ideology into the Twitter Rules so users have no choice but to agree with them if they want to have a voice on the platform. Rather than "serving the public conversation," they're squashing it, forcibly suppressing one side.
Here's an inconvenient truth for Twitter: Most people reject the idea that gender is merely a social construct. Most people know what a woman is, and what a woman isn't.
But Twitter doesn't want to allow that kind of "public conversation." Instead, they want to strictly enforce ideological conformity under the pretense of moderating hate.
Right now, the Babylon Bee is paying the price for daring to speak the truth. Tomorrow, it could be you.
So what do we do next?
Some have suggested legal action. Some have suggested a public protest, or a mass exodus from Twitter.
Right now, all options are on the table. But one thing I can promise you is that we will NEVER surrender.