With only TWO months until the primary on June 7th, we need your help to ensure that this campaign has the resources it needs.

Hi team, 

Things are ramping up here at Clarke HQ… from canvassing the neighborhood to attending community events, we’re doing everything we can to keep Yvette’s seat at the table in Congress. 

With only TWO months until the primary on June 7th, we need your help to ensure that this campaign has the resources it needs.

Will you chip in a grassroots donation today and help send a progressive fighter back to Congress?



Thank you for making this a people-powered campaign!

– everyone at Clarke HQ

Yvette Clarke is the ONLY Black woman representing New York in Washington. She has a known track record of bringing together moderates and progressives to pass progressive legislation to help communities of color, low-income families, immigrants, and more. If you'd like only the most important updates, you can opt for fewer emails here, but if you don't want to keep Yvette proudly representing Brooklyn, you can unsubscribe.

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Paid for by Clarke for Congress

Clarke for Congress
PO Box 250200
Brooklyn, NY 11225
United States