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Dear friend,
We love seeing photos of you, your letters, and you writing letters! Seeing the Vote Forward community come together to support democracy always brightens our day, whether it’s a photo of your “I vote because” message or your beautifully decorated letters and envelopes or the volunteers attending your letter writing party.
We thought it might brighten your day, too.
[Vote Forward volunteer holding a pile of letters to voters.]([link removed])
[Colorful letter piles spelling out "vote."]([link removed])
[A group of Vote Forward volunteers writing letters to voters.]([link removed])
[A future voter writing letters to potential voters.]([link removed])
[A Vote Forward volunteer with boxes of letters.]([link removed])
[Vote Forward volunteer holding a letter.]([link removed])
[A Vote Forward volunteer sitting in the trunk of an SUV next to large piles of letters to voters.]([link removed])
Do you have letter writing photos you’d like to share with us? Send them our way by replying to this email or by posting them on social media and tagging @votefwd.
You can also help us bring more letter writers into this community by [making a small donation to Vote Forward]([link removed]). Every dollar from our grassroots supporters helps our small team make the letter writing experience more accessible to new and existing volunteers.
[Chip in today]([link removed])
Happy letter writing!
— The Vote Forward team
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Vote Forward
611 Pennsylvania Ave SE #192
Washington, DC 20003
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