Because of our incredible volunteers and supporters, our campaign is officially on the ballot for 2022.

Dear friend,


Thank you to the incredibly hard-working people who volunteered their time and effort, and to those who have been supporting us since the beginning. I am excited to announce that we have submitted well over the necessary amount of signatures to get on the ballot!

Because of you, we’re one step closer to keeping our seat and continuing to secure real wins for  our community! I, and everyone on Team Gounardes, truly appreciate what you are making possible. Ensuring all our neighbors have the ability to achieve their potential is a community effort, and it is an honor to have your support at home in Brooklyn as I am fighting in Albany for what New York needs and deserves in our state’s budget. 


Thank you for supporting our campaign, our neighborhood, and each other. Representing our community means the world to me, and I know with your continued support, we’ll be able to keep our seat this November.



With gratitude,



Andrew for New York

725 70th Street, Apt C1

Brooklyn, New York 11228



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