Hi Friend,

Schools are open and most children are free from mask mandates — for now. Teachers unions and school district bureaucrats, rather than parents, control the levers of power in the public school system. 

That must change. Parents know that they need leverage. They deserve more control and better options when it comes to their children’s education. 

At IWF’s Education Freedom Center (EFC), we are amplifying the voices of parents who are seeking education flexibility, freedom, and opportunity.
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The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the lives and education of the nation’s students, and opened parents’ eyes to just how inflexible and unresponsive school districts are to their children’s needs. Teachers unions and union-supported school board members fought against parents to keep public schools closed for over a year in many places. 

Children suffered academically and emotionally as a result.

As parents peered into Zoom classrooms, they discovered radical curriculum content, from critical race theory to gender-bending ideology. Even when schools slowly and erratically reopened, parents’ pleas for relief from mask mandates and onerous COVID testing and quarantine policies were ignored.

Parents deserve education freedom.
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EFC informs the public about school choice policies and programs, and shines the light on education policies that harm students and disempower parents.

Education freedom leads to a more vibrant education system that benefits not just students, but parents, teachers, and society. School choice policies empower parents with more education options and control over their children’s educational path.
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Stay informed about education freedom and parental rights in education and other issues impacting our country’s schools. Sign up for the EFC newsletter today.

Ginny Gentles
Director, Education Freedom Center (EFC)