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Dear John,
Over the past two years, the pandemic has exposed the many challenges faced by parents when it comes to our nation’s broken child care system. With costs of child care often exceeding the essential costs of living, simply having your child in a quality early learning program is often out of reach for many families. No parent should ever have to choose between basic necessities like rent or food and child care.
How can we help promote the well-being and learning needs of young children in the face of such unprecedented stress on families?
At Start Early, we are uncompromising in our shared pursuit to ensure that every child in America can reach their full potential in school and life. We are champions for early learning, and with your help, we can continue to transform lives.
We know that the reliable presence of nurturing, responsive relationships in the earliest years is the strongest prediction of resilience in our littlest learners.
Our goal to raise $1 million by April 27 is large because the need is greater than it is has ever been before. We need your support now more than ever to help children and families living in under-resourced communities access quality early learning programs. |
Your donation supports children and families and helps close the opportunity gap for our youngest, most vulnerable learners.
Join us on April 27 at Start Early’s Annual Luncheon, presented by LaSalle Network, to hear from parents, early learning professionals and experts how ALL TOGETHER we can bring hope to children and families across the country, NOW and in the future. |
