On Tuesday, I joined local mayors to share this historic news…

Maura Healey for Governor

On Tuesday, I joined local mayors to share this historic news:

Due to our team’s efforts, Massachusetts will receive $525 million in funding to combat the opioid crisis. This money is going directly toward prevention, harm reduction, treatment, and recovery efforts.

Will you please help spread the news far and wide, by taking a moment to share our post on social media?

Every city and town in Massachusetts will benefit from this resolution. Of that $525 million in funding, more than $210 million will go directly to municipalities, and more than $310 million will go into our statewide Opioid Recovery and Remediation Fund, overseen by a council of public health experts, state and municipal leaders, and people with firsthand experience with addiction.

We could not have done this without the families who have been hurt by the opioid crisis. I am grateful for their bravery and their guidance. Nothing will ever erase the harm they have suffered, but this funding allows us to take steps to deliver relief and prevent this from happening to more families.

Please take a moment to spread the word and share our post on social media:

Thanks for all you do,
