Hi John,

Last week, Mike Garcia and 192 of his Republican colleagues, took a vote against the American people and voted against capping the cost of life-saving insulin at $35 per month.

As if we needed yet another reason to make Mike Garcia a one-term Congressman.

Donate $5 or more to flip CA-27 so we don't have to suffer through one more of Mike's heartless votes against the people of this district and this country. >>> I wonder what Mike Garcia would say to the millions of people – 2.5 million in the state of California to be exact – diagnosed with diabetes who depend on insulin to literally save their lives.

I wonder what he would say to the nearly 13 million Californians – people like my mother – who let their diabetes or prediabetes go untreated because they can't afford the outrageously price-gouged cost of the drug (which, by the way, only costs about $10 per vial to produce, but can cost patients up to $1000 per month).

I don't know what he would say, but we don't have to wonder why he voted this way – just follow the money. Mike Garcia takes thousands from the pharmaceutical industry and dark money PACs and doesn't mind throwing his constituents under the bus if means appeasing his campaign contributors.

Donate $5 to make sure Mike doesn't get one more opportunity to undermine the people he's been sworn to represent. >>> This vote isn't shocking, John, but it certainly is callous. And it's yet another example of how he continues to put himself and his money above the people of the district.

If Mike Garcia wants to take a vote against saving the lives of people in this district, he has no business being in office.

As your next Congresswoman, I will do everything in my power to hold the pharmaceutical industry accountable, so that nobody has to follow in my mother's footsteps and forgo life-saving treatment simply because they can't afford it.

Thank you so much for your support.

– Christy