We Are Many-United Against Hate founder and president Masood Akhtar is the 2019 recipient of the Manfred E. Swarsensky Humanitarian Service Award. Read more about Rabbi Swarsensky and this honor...


What stops hate?


Consider the stories of three men. All three were deeply involved in hate groups. Life-changing experiences prompted all three to renounce their white supremacist views and stopped their hate dead in its tracks. None of them had hate pounded out of them. It wasn't being locked away in prison that made any of them see the error of their ways. Something much more powerful changed everything for them. These three men and their stories are so important to know and understand.


Derek Barsaleau is from Fort Atkinson and fell under the spell of white nationalism. Derek Black's father founded Stormfront, the first and largest white supremacist community on the Internet, and his godfather, David Duke, was a Grand Wizard of the KKK. Black was following in his father's and godfather's footsteps as a white nationalist leader, seen as the movement's "leading light" by the age of 19. Arno Michaelis grew up in the Milwaukee area, performed in a "hate metal" rock band and helped start one of the world's largest racist skinhead organizations.


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