The energy security strategy’s lack of action on home energy efficiency will leave people freezing, desperate and out of pocket next winter.
And nuclear power is not the solution. New nuclear power stations would take decades to build. Plus they’re expensive, hazardous and produce waste that will remain highly radioactive for thousands of years.
Fracking isn't a solution either. Earlier this week the UK government asked the British Geological Survey to review evidence on fracking. But we don’t need a review to know it’s not the answer to the energy crisis. The idea that it will significantly lower bills or improve energy security is pure fantasy.
At least we know the government's nervous about going all out for this failed industry. Thousands of you flooded MPs’ inboxes with your concerns last month and the message has got through.
The growing call for developing offshore wind has also been heard. But we need to go further and make the most of the UK’s massive onshore wind resources. Wind turbines are fast to build and popular. And could provide huge quantities of cheap renewable power.
But the government’s still stuck in the past when it comes to oil and gas. It’s even said it will issue new oil and gas licences.
So please join the 29,000 people who’ve already signed our petition today. Together we must make the UK government think twice about approving any new fossil fuel projects. Future generations are depending on us.