
Over the last few years, we have seen about a million ways local and state governments have tried to restrict a woman's access to health care and abortions.

But every one of these uncalled for ultrasounds, harmful gag rules, mandated hallway sizes, unnecessary admitting privileges at local hospitals, unwanted second pelvic exams, and waiting periods aren't to benefit the patients. They make it harder for patients to access care.

These restrictions on providers do not stop abortions. They make them later; they delay them; they make them less safe.

As the only woman doctor in Congress, Dr. Kim Schrier is fighting to end the era of elected officials controlling women's bodies and restricting their access to reproductive care, but she can't do it alone.

The surge in anti-choice restrictions shows it is more critical than ever that we stand up against these attacks. Will you add your name now and join Kim in standing up for every woman's right to health care?

We want to be clear: these restrictions have no basis in science. They use arbitrary and unscientific criteria to make it harder for women to access abortion. If stopping abortions was truly the goal, our elected officials would be doubling down on funding for Planned Parenthood for pregnancy prevention -- but they're not.

The restrictions on abortion providers are intended to hurt women, particularly minorities and those from low-income communities, by making it more difficult for clinics to operate.

The well-being of women everywhere will be at risk. So please, add your name next to Kim's and join her in fighting back.

Thank you,

Team Schrier

Paid for by Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress

Contributions or gifts to Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress are not tax deductible.

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