Ensuring Election Integrity
by Lawrence Kadish • April 7, 2022 at 10:15 am

Our nation should follow Alabama's lead in outlawing the practice of "ballot harvesting" altogether, but until they do, there needs to be a concerted effort to educate the American voter of what ballot harvesting really is, for only sunlight will put an end to this dark and vulnerable practice. (Image source: iStock)
Congratulations to Alabama and Ballotpedia for their invaluable role in protecting our democracy.
In the age of Covid, with absentee voting now widespread, only one state, Alabama, has safeguards that "explicitly allowed only the voters to return their ballot", to prevent third parties and ballot harvesters from making your vote disappear.
If you are unable to vote in person, or if you decide to vote with an absentee ballot, mail your ballot in a sealed envelope to your local Board of Elections Office (Absentee Vote Dept) -- and please mail it yourself.