There's no such thing as an "off-year". Every election counts.
Alliance fam,
Did you see the Alliance mentioned in this New York Times opinion piece earlier this month? Young people are the key to the White House in 2020 and the Alliance network organizes daily to ensure young people turn out. We know there is no such thing as an “off-year” and that every election counts - especially for young people. That is why Alliance organizations were getting out the vote all across the country for local and state elections this year. From Virginia to Texas, young people flexed their power on November 5th and won some major victories. Here are a few highlights from the field that made that possible:
Freezing temperatures did not stop Forward Montana from hosting their “Student Voter Days” on campuses in Billings, Bozeman, Missoula, and Helena to get out the student vote ahead of election day. Forward Montana handed out over 750 voter guides informing students about the local city council elections. Students even had a chance to practice filling out a 2020 Census form. |
Pennsylvania Student Power Network worked on 20 college campuses across the state to inform young people about their local elections and get out the student vote. They created and distributed 25,000 voter guides educating young voters in Philadelphia, Delaware County, and Pittsburgh about everything from city council to district attorney races. Cities like Philadelphia saw a higher voter turnout among college students! |
Before the November elections, MOVE Texas registered 20,000 new voters. They also released a one-of-a-kind voter guide to inform young voters about the constitutional amendments on the ballot. In their Deep Cut The Vote voter guide, they paired amendments with the songs making for the ultimate playlist for democracy. Early results show overall voter turnout in Texas doubling between 2017 and 2019! |
On November 5th, voters flipped the Virginia legislature blue! Youth organizers and voters helped make this political shift happen. Virginia Student Power Network registered 1,000 new voters ahead of the election who turned out strong. Youth voter turnout statewide was up 91% and in some places, student voter turnout was up 305% from 2015! Virginia Student Power also held a state-wide convening the weekend after election day to plan for 2020 and beyond. |
Alliance organizations like Minnesota Youth Collective, New Era Colorado, and New Hampshire Youth Movement also hit the pavement this year to turn out young voters for state and local elections. But the work does not stop here. The day after election day, youth organizers in our network are back in the field because we do not win by just mobilizing around election days, we win by mobilizing 365 days a year, every year.
To building youth power,