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Winter Accessories DIY & Helping Others

Join BikeArlington and WalkArlington on Wednesday, December 4, for our signature Winter Accessory Workshop—Balaclavas and Baklava. Come make a face mask, hat, scarf, or other winter accessory to keep you warm as you commute. We’ll provide everything you need but if you have a sewing machine or fabric you would like to bring, please do so.

We will also be holding a donation drive for Arlington Street People's Assistance Network (A-SPAN) to help provide cold-weather accessories for Arlington’s most vulnerable individuals. Participants are encouraged to bring donations or make an additional cold weather accessory to donate.

Let's Go for a Bike Ride, Holiday Style

Join BikeArlington and Trek Bicycles on Tuesday, December 17, for a family-friendly bike ride around Arlington, to see some festive homes in their holiday splendor. Feel free to dress your bike in lots of lights!

The ride will be about 5 miles and will end at Trek Bikes with refreshments. Register soon because it is extremely popular.

Dos and Don'ts 

Even though temperatures have dropped, there is no reason to drop biking. With a little knowledge you can continue biking through the winter months. We’ve compiled a list of dos and don’ts to help make your cold winter ride a little bit warmer.

BikeArlington is a program of Arlington County Commuter Services, within the Department of Environmental Services. BikeArlington is an effort to build on an existing partnership between Arlington citizens, businesses and County staff to encourage more people to bike more often.

Copyright © 2019 BikeArlington, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
1501 Wilson Blvd., #1100, Arlington, VA 22209

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