Dear John,


Peoples World plays a unique role in the class struggle. It only takes a moment to keep this coverage going. In the last weeks its pages gave voice to the front lines of the Amazon organizing drive found few other places. A huge congratulations to the workers! Union yes!!


In order to keep that coverage going we've got to complete the drive! The good news is that we're halfway there. Last week we reached our goal of over $7,000 a week. In fact we overfullfilled it with over $10 grand donated!! Thank you! Now we've got to do it again. Please donate today to the

fund drive. Remember, we need 500 people who will give at least $100 to the people’s press in 2022. Communists to the front!


Nearly 160 people this year have so far joined the ranks of those who are making this contribution. Some have sent in $100 as a single lump sum. Others have broken it up into several smaller donations. But there's a massive danger: An average of $7000 a week has to be donated in order to meet our goal by May Day. We need 25 more contributions this week - 20 $100 donations have been made so far.


Will you join them and help us reach the 500 mark?


People’s World is the only working-class daily in the U.S. that expresses the views of the CPUSA, the peoples movement and is part of the independent press. No one will fund its mission except our own working class and democratic people’s forces. Every single contribution, whether $100 or less, helps us reach the $75,000 required to protect the newspaper’s future funds, without cutting back on its work. Please give what you can.


We hope that everyone will seriously consider whether they can make a donation to the People’s World of whatever amount, as a vital weapon we wield in the battle of ideas. We mean every word: we need your support!


In solidarity,


Rossana and Joe

Communist Party USA
235 W. 23rd Street, 7th floor
New York, NY 10011
(Visits by appointment only)
Tel : 212-989-4994
Fax :212-229-1713
Email : [email protected]

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