
Biden claims he wants the best for working Americans… But you couldn’t tell with the way his record-breaking #BidenGasHike had been hurting the working class all across our state and our country!

We are paying the price for the incompetence of our America Last President, and from his out-of-touch Arizona allies Mark Kelly, Greg Stanton, and Tom O’Halleran.

Gas prices per gallon have hit $4.70 in Phoenix (45 cents higher than the national average), $4.80 in Yuma, $4.81 in Flagstaff, and a whopping $4.85 for the people of Lake Havasu!

If Biden genuinely cared about the poor, he would be crying from the rooftops to MAKE AMERICA ENERGY INDEPENDENT AGAIN!
Instead, it seems Biden’s goal is to eliminate oil completely in favor of the radical Green New Deal pipe dream.

YOU are footing the bill for their out-of-touch liberal priorities - and it’s leaving us dependent on DICTATORS like the Socialists in Venezuela for our oil!

During Biden’s State of the Union speech, he copied Trump’s talking points and laid out the need to buy American. Apparently, Sleepy Joe forgot that included our energy needs… 

So let’s send him a reminder - if you want America to be ENERGY INDEPENDENT like we were in the Trump days, rush in now to tell our leaders the way out of this gas crisis is production here at home… not more deals with tyrants or Green New Deal nonsense!
Thank you for choosing America First,

Pam Kirby
Executive Director
Republican Party of Arizona