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On January 6th, 2021, The 147 did the unthinkable by inciting a violent insurrection in an attempt to overturn the 2020 election. Last night, 54 members of The 147 once again chose anarchy and violence by voting against a resolution reaffirming “unequivocal support for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization as an alliance founded on democratic principles.”
What exactly did they oppose in that resolution: NATO, democratic principles, or both?
Trump tried to dismantle NATO for four years. The 147 are continuing his work. And we have to keep them out of the majority because they are doing everything they can to restore Trump to power. What possible reason could The 147 have for wanting to undermine NATO?
Is this an extension of the Russian war propaganda members like Marjorie Taylor Greene have amplified in the US? Is it a shameless attempt to undermine Biden on the world stage? Or is it simply the latest opportunity move by The 147 to descend our nation further into chaos?
The worst part is, their numbers are growing. Only 15 Republicans had the gall to vote against Russian sanctions three weeks ago. Yesterday, 29 Republicans joined the 54 members of The 147 to vote against NATO.
We cannot allow The 147 to continue to overturn the institutions that guarantee peace and order in our lives. Sign our petition if you agree: I stand with President Biden, NATO, and the Constitution. [[link removed]]
[link removed] [[link removed]] -Operation 147
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Paid for by Operation 147 PAC. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
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