
Great news! President Biden just signed the bipartisan Postal Service Reform Act into law.

This is a huge step forward to fix the United States Postal Service, and I’m proud to have been a part of bipartisan negotiations on this bill in the Senate with a group of my colleagues. I couldn’t be more thrilled about this chance to modernize the USPS that so many Americans rely on every day.

The USPS is absolutely essential in rural Montana, and this legislation will help ensure the timely and accurate mail delivery all Americans depend on. No one should face long delivery delays just because of where they live — and thanks to these reforms, they won’t have to.

Today, we celebrate this historic achievement. But we also have to acknowledge that there’s plenty of work ahead of us — on climate change, on voting rights, on protecting our public lands — to keep our country moving forward.

Today’s bill signing proves that when we put partisan differences aside and come together with a common goal, we can still produce meaningful change for the American people. But that doesn’t happen without your help. 

So I’m asking: Will you chip any amount today to help us build on our progress and keep fighting for more?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Make no mistake, folks: This legislation made it across the finish line because people like you made your voices heard and demanded better for our postal service. I’m grateful to have you with me, and looking forward to building on our progress.

Now let’s celebrate.

— Jon