How to call Congress; Now hiring; June conference registration.

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  Citizens' Climate Lobby  
  Weekly Briefing, Apr. 6, 2022
Table of Contents:
Stand with Ukraine and clean energy
Take action this week
CCL chapters return in person
Upcoming trainings
Stand with Ukraine! Get loud for clean energy


CCL has launched a “Fight Mean, Go Green” campaign to highlight that a transition to clean energy will also weaken Putin.  

Our reliance on oil is harming the health and security of people around the world. And recently, Putin’s aggression in Ukraine has been heavily enabled by Russia’s global supply of oil and natural gas. At the same time, prices in America have risen at the pump and to heat our homes. That means we’re in a rare moment where national attention is centered on global energy politics, which is directly tied to climate change.

There is high pressure on Congress right now to double down on fossil fuel investments, increasing our dependence on fossil fuels right when we need to be moving away from them. One of the most important things any American can do to help Ukraine is to commit to clean energy and to let their elected officials know that we stand with Ukraine.

Other folks in the climate space have picked up on our new campaign and have even shared it themselves, including Bill McKibben, Michael Mann, and Moms Clean Air Force.

During our Fight Mean, Go Green campaign, you can contact the White House and your members of Congress to let them know that you support clean energy and stand with Ukraine. Since the campaign launched, volunteers like you have generated thousands of emails and calls to Congress — have you made your voice heard yet?



In other news this week:

  • How to call Congress: Unsure of where to start when calling Congress? Check out this how-to guide, which tells you exactly what to expect when calling your representative and senators. 
  • CCL weighs in with Senate committee: Our D.C. staff wrote and submitted testimony to the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee this week. You can read CCL’s testimony, which makes clear, “Putting a rising price on carbon is the most effective policy to address both domestic energy security and the global climate crisis.”
  • Now hiring: CCL has a contractor position available for a Front-End Developer, and another position available for a Spanish Translator. Interested applicants can find more information here.
  • Applicants wanted: The Climate Solutions Foundation is seeking applicants for its inaugural Congressional Fellowship Program. This is a 12-month, paid opportunity to gain invaluable and practical public policy experience within the United States Congress. Find more information here.
  • Did you register for the June Conference yet? We can't wait to be together in person in Washington, D.C. Meet up with old and new friends, get trained, and hear from expert speakers like Amanda Ripley, Nwandi Lawson, and Alex Flint. Register now.
  • Blog post from Vik Tantry: In his blog post, right-of-center CEO Vik Tantry, who started the company FormSwift, calls for a free market solution to climate change. Read more here.
Take action this week

If you have a little time: Like and share this tweet about the IPCC report

The IPCC’s latest climate report came out this week, analyzing climate mitigation efforts and calling for climate legislation. You can like and share CCL’s tweet about the report here. Keep an eye on the CCL blog in the coming weeks for an analysis of what the latest IPCC report said about carbon pricing. 

If you have more time: Join the April national call

This month’s speaker is Keishaa Austin, Head of Engagement and Partnerships at Rewiring America. Rewiring America is working to launch a movement to electrify everything, starting with our nation's 121 million households. Their latest policy brief, the Electrify for Peace Policy Plan, calls for ramping up American capacity to manufacture and install heat pumps in Europe and the U.S. Find out more information and register for the call here.

You can also connect with your nearest CCL chapter to take action in your community, or join one of CCL’s national online Action Teams to take action on specific topics like agriculture, health, faith, and more. 

Browse CCL Community’s Event Calendar to find upcoming events, trainings, and calls you can join.
CCLers return in-person in time for Earth Day

With Earth Day fast approaching, many CCLers have started to hold more in-person activities, as well as a mix of virtual and online activities. 

From California to Massachusetts and everywhere in between, volunteers have been holding conferences, hosting guest speakers, and enjoying the great outdoors. 

In the image above, Sabrina Fu organized an event with over 30 attendees at Bowie State University in Maryland.

You can see what CCLers have been up to, as well as what they are planning to do for Earth Day, on Community.

Upcoming trainings

4/7: Introducing CCL's Stand With Ukraine Campaign — Join CCL's Marketing Manager Ashley Hunt-Martorano and Vice President of Organizational Strategy Tony Sirna for a training that will introduce CCL's "Fight Mean, Go Green" campaign. Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine we’ve all seen the calls to “drill, drill, drill,” and the President and some members of Congress pushing back on that with a clean energy agenda. We want to make sure the President and members of Congress know there is support from their constituents for prioritizing clean energy as a way to achieve real energy independence. Join us!       

4/14: Mining Your Chapter Roster — Join Elli Sparks, CCL's Field Development Director, for a training that will highlight new ways of engaging your chapter roster to build a thriving local chapter of engaged volunteers. Join us! 

Need training on the basics? Catch our next session of Core Volunteer Training, made for newer volunteers:

4/12: Social Media Basics — Join CCL’s Marketing Manager Ashley Hunt Martorano for a training geared at enhancing your use of Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Join us!      

To see other topics and past trainings, visit the Training Topics page of CCL Community.

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The Info Session is held weekly on Wednesdays at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT.
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Climate Advocate Training is held on the second Sunday of each month at 2 p.m. ET / 11 a.m. PT for 2.5 hours.
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