
Pelosi has served in Congress for decades, and has become enormously wealthy.

Thanks to Pelosi, the past year has been loaded with extremist, Democrat agendas. Since Joe Biden took office, Pelosi and her far Left radicals have been on a destructive spending spree that has sent inflation skyrocketing and is punishing America’s working families.

Meanwhile, she has used her power as Speaker to make millions off the stock market.
Pelosi is completely out of touch with the American people. Our hard-working families cannot endure more of her policies AND THIS YEAR is our chance to remove her from power.

As a single, working mother and Conservative, I know we can do far better for all Americans! Please join with us TODAY and help build the momentum we need to FIRE PELOSI and put our country back on track. Pitch in today to take Pelosi out of power!
Thank you for joining the fight to fire Pelosi, 
Beth Van Duyne