

As reported in the Indianapolis Star and various other resources, the Indiana Green Party [INGP] is the lead plaintiff of a coalition of democracy supporters that filed a lawsuit in the US District Court of the Southern District of Indiana in filing a lawsuit against incumbent Indiana Secretary of State Holli Sullivan challenging Indiana’s very outdated – and extremely draconian – ballot access law.

Among reasons why the INGP has filed this lawsuit are as follows:

  • Needing a large amount of canvassers to collect a MINIMUM of 45K certified signatures [see page 120/128 HERE]; and collecting double that amount, to prepare for any challenges to our signatures
  • Having to go to all the county clerks’ offices around the state to get our signatures certified…and that’s an entirely different issue.
  • And, then, of course, the cost: upwards of $465K-$565K for a successful ballot access drive, for a party that prides itself on not accepting corporate donations, it’s a bit daunting

There’s also inherent benefits of this filing, such as:

  • Allowing a wider variety of candidates that are willing to discuss the issues that affect all Hoosiers, such as cannabis legalization, Medicare For All, tenants’ and ratepayers’ rights, labor rights/Green New Deal, living wages, environmental legislation and various other issues;
  • Of course, reforming election laws such as redistricting, ranked choice voting, making voters registration and mail-in voting easier, etc.

That being said, this suit requires a significant amount of money and resources [such as depositions, filing fees, etc.], we need your assistance to step up and become a donor. As mentioned above, for a party that prides itself on working for the people and not accepting corporate donations, the INGP needs your help, with as little or as much as you are able to. 

Interested in helping in other ways? 

  1. We need you to step up and join the Fundraising committee, please contact us.
  2. You can also join the INGP, we have caucuses, committees, and working groups all needing additional help. 


Thank you for your donation, a little money can go a very long way in this and various other projects down the line.


In Solidarity,


Sarah Dillon

Chair, INGP Fundraising Committee


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