I really need everyone to see João’s email yesterday about his (Democratic!) opponent’s super PAC spreading lies about what we stand for. 🤢 [Good news though — it was taken down in Philly for being so dishonest!]
John, it would break this mama’s heart if any of my kids grew up to play dirty in any career, sport, etc. We must be better as a party and as people. Politics deserves the bad reputation it has, and it will only change when better people represent us.
I’m so, so proud of our strong, clean, KIND campaign. No yucky corporate PACs or dirty money. Definitely no attacking fellow Democrats with B.S. GOP talking points. Just people coming together + fighting for what’s right.
—Gisele ❤️
P.S. August’s shirt says it all. Can you believe my baby turned 8 yesterday?! We’re raising our kids (and growing our campaign) with kindness.
----Forwarded Message----
From: John Fetterman
Date: April 5, 2022
Subject: Seriously, dude?
As Democrats, we all know that Republicans *love* to smear Democrats as scary bogeyman “socialists.”
Well, uh, today we found out that Connor Lamb’s super PAC is spending nearly <checks notes> half a MILLION dollars in dark money on TV attack ads to do JUST THAT to me.
The whole ad is full of gross misrepresentations, especially the fact that they found a rare photo of me wearing a suit 🙄
This is a *big* deal, John. It’s the FIRST time that a fellow Democrat has weaponized paid media to attack me during this primary. I mean, come on my dude.
Call me crazy, but I don't believe that Democrats should be doing the GOP’s job for them — and certainly not with stone-cold attack lines straight outta the Republicans 101 textbook. 🤔
John, I truly can’t think of a greater contrast to these super PAC attack ads than our people-powered campaign.
I mean, Conor Lamb’s super PAC is *literally* run by D.C. insiders with deep ties to corporate interests + funded by mega-rich donors writing enormous checks.
Meanwhile, just this morning, we announced raising $3.1 MILLION in Q1 with an average contribution of like $28 and over 23,000 new donors. Plus, unlike Conor Lamb’s campaign, we are up on the airwaves (TV + digital) getting our own *positive* message across.
Let me be clear: Conor Lamb’s super PAC ad is one last desperate attempt to save a campaign that’s stuck at 10% as of the last poll.
It won’t work — especially if we can raise a lot of money today online to make it clear these kinds of attacks on fellow Democrats are B.S. and will backfire. Every dollar they spend ($440k as of this morning), we’ll try to raise twice as much to show them what we’re made of.
It’s not an exaggeration to say our campaign would be nowhere without the determination, strength, and love from all of YOU. We’re running this race the right way, and we know we can win with your continued support.
Before I sign off, I have to tell you how grateful I am.
It’s only because of this community, and because of the deep support we have in every corner of Pennsylvania, that we can brush off these attacks and live to fight another day in the General. Me + Gisele + the whole team are deeply appreciative of all your support, whether it’s been financial, volunteer help, or spreading the word about our campaign. It means the world. 😭
Thank you, again, for having my back. Let’s WIN this together.
John Fetterman
Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania