Hey —
Facebook is bankrolling Brett Kavanaugh’s comeback tour.
You may remember that last year their chief policy person showed up to support Brett Kavanaugh even after Dr. Blasey Ford testified that he sexually assaulted her. Then, last week, they were “gold circle” sponsors of a dinner thrown in his honor by The Federalist Society, the far-right group masterminding Trump’s takeover of the federal courts. It’s a pattern, it’s unacceptable, and Facebook needs to answer for it.
Facebook is threatening our democracy and decades of progress by bankrolling The Federalist Society’s work rehabilitating sexual predators, mainstreaming bigotry, and hijacking our courts. Sign our petition today and tell Facebook to stop funding The Federalist Society.
Why do companies like Facebook sponsor an organization that’s honoring Brett Kavanaugh, attacking the rule of law, and masterminding efforts to roll back rights for LGBTQ people, women, people of color, and workers? In part, it’s because The Federalist Society helps Trump install judges who will rig the economy even further in favor of the rich and the powerful.
It’s time to speak up: Facebook and other big corporations shouldn’t be able to buy our judicial branch — and they shouldn’t be funding PR efforts on behalf of a sexual predator. We need to fight back.
Tell Facebook to ditch The Federalist Society.
In Solidarity —
Demand Justice
Donald Trump is openly taking over our courts, and if we let him succeed, his nominees will keep his hateful vision alive on the federal bench for decades. Join Demand Justice and take a stand to protect our nation's courts.
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