Partners, As advocates across the country work to elevate health equity and justice in health care, Families USA is excited to launch our new webinar series, “Health Justice Now”. This ongoing series will dive into a variety of health justice content and resources from Families and beyond, featuring partner organizations and voices. Topics for the series include vaccine equity, reproductive justice, federal health equity priorities, as well as state level recommendations on health equity – with more to come! We hope you will join us at our upcoming, free webinar events to share knowledge and resources as we continue to press for transformative policy changes that eliminate health inequities and make health care accessible for all.

For more information on this new webinar series, please follow this link. Similarly, if there are topics or issues you’d like to see featured in an upcoming webinar, please let us know by emailing [email protected].
As always, thank you for all of the amazing work you are doing, and please reach out to any of us at Families USA to connect on our shared advocacy efforts! To your health, Tiana Rodriguez Strategic Partnerships Coordinator
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