Top Dem leaders call for oil companies to...drill faster??!!

TODAY: Senator Warren and Oscar-nominated writers of Don’t Look Up join PCCC members on Zoom.

RSVP to join Senator Warren, Adam McKay, David Sirota, and PCCC leaders/members on Zoom TODAY at 3:30pm Eastern, 12:30pm Pacific.

Then, sign on with thousands of others calling on Dem leaders to unite behind on-offense messaging around clean energy.

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Senator Warren and Oscar-nominated writers of
Don’t Look Up join PCCC members on Zoom. 


This weekend, top Democratic leaders were on TV to address rising oil prices.

Did they call for a swift transition to clean energy, as we and 100 other organizations recently called for? No. They called for...oil companies to drill faster. (Seriously. Not April Fools.)

It's time to increase the volume around a smart message that all Democrats should use in 2022. Please join us for a national Zoom this Wednesday with Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Don't Look Up writers Adam McKay and David Sirota.

They will answer your questions! The event is TODAY at 3:30pm Eastern. RSVP "yes" or "maybe" here!

This event comes as oil prices, inflation, Russia, and economic policies before Congress are central in the news -- and all of these will be addressed in this event. We're also proud to announce Evergreen, the climate organization started by Washington State Governor Jay Inslee, as an event partner!

Don’t Look Up received four Oscar nominations including Best Picture and Best Original Screenplay by McKay and Sirota.

This event is part of a joint campaign launched recently by the PCCC and nearly 100 organizations calling on Democratic leaders to advance this clear, popular, on-offense message:

"Russia's invasion of Ukraine reaffirms that America must lead the world in a clean energy transition. Our dependence on fossil fuel empowers authoritarians like Vladimir Putin, rogue oil-producing nations, and price-gouging oil companies. For the sake of our national security and planet, we call on America's leaders to take immediate action to invest in domestic clean energy jobs and end our dependence on fossil fuel." (Join thousands of others and sign on as a supporter of this message.)

RSVP here for the Zoom event TODAY with Senator Warren and the Oscar-nominated writers of Don’t Look Up.

Then, sign on to urge President Biden and Democratic leaders to unite behind on-offense, clear messaging on clean energy.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Team (@BoldProgressive)












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