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Dear NCRC members and allies,

The Great Recession and foreclosure crisis of the late 2000s wasn’t bad for all Americans. Many private investors were able to buy quality homes in good neighborhoods at low prices. Neighborhoods built for wealth-building by owners were transformed into communities of renters. In some cases, predatory investors bought distressed homes and rented them as-is to vulnerable people, or they left blighted properties sitting vacant, further lowering property values.

Learn about strategies to promote tenant and community control of land at the 2020 Just Economy Conference. It's one of dozens of topics we'll cover at the conference, and will include:

  • The Center for NYC Neighborhoods’ research on investor purchases in the 1-4 family sphere
  • A look at the Anti-Eviction Mapping Project on real estate investors in California
  • An examination of community initiatives to promote the right-to-purchase in D.C.
  • Community land trusts in Buffalo
Registration for the 2020 Just Economy Conference is now open. Don’t miss your chance to be part of the conversation!
Save your spot (at an early bird rate!)

Hope you see you in April!

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