
Hi John,


It’s up to us to keep up the drumbeat on child care, every day until the budget is done. Our state decision makers — Governor Kathy Hochul, Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins and Speaker Carl Heastie — need to continue to hear our voices!


Today, help us keep up the pressure by recording and sharing a 1-minute video answering the question: why is child care is important to you?


Record a one-minute video: Why is child care important to you?

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Go somewhere quiet
  2. Hold your phone horizontal
  3. Keep it to a minute or less!

Then post your video TODAY to your social media platforms, and tag the budget negotiators so they see it — @GovKathyHochul, @AndreaSCousins, and @CarlHeastie. And remember to use the hashtag #NYSUniversalChildCare!

Click below to check out the example video below from AQE Campaign Coordinator Stevie Vargas:

The fight is not over. We need to put New York on a strong path to universal child care. That means that starting with this year’s budget, early educators and teachers must be fairly compensated; and that all families must be included in expansion to child care, regardless of immigration status.

In solidarity,


Jasmine Gripper


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