Will you join us in supporting two Pennsylvania Renewers?

Dear John,

Building a cross-partisan, pro-democracy coalition for America is vital for our future, and Pennsylvania is ground zero for that fight. Thankfully, I’ve talked to countless Pennsylvania Republicans who understand the need to work across party lines to defend our democracy. Now, Republicans and conservative independents—even lifelong GOP members—are coming together for a new cause. We are breaking free from the partisan games and supporting Pennsylvania Democrats who have repeatedly put our state above politics: Congresswoman Susan Wild and Congressman Matt Cartwright.

It has been refreshing to know that there are so many of us in this fight.

Frankly, Pennsylvanians deserve better from our local GOP, and many have already declared their independence from the lies and conspiracy theories that are embarrassing the state. But more than that, principled current and former Republicans in the state are uniting behind Cartwright and Wild as independent voices for Pennsylvania.

That’s why we decided to launch Republicans for Matt Cartwright and Republicans for Susan Wild.


We are building and mobilizing disaffected Republicans in these districts so that we can ensure they continue to be represented by principled leaders. If you live in either district, make sure to add your name to the list of Republicans and former Republicans supporting them. Then, make sure you share this effort with your friends and family who feel similarly. Help us strengthen this critical cross-partisan movement.

Representatives Wild and Cartwright have shown they will represent Pennsylvania with honor and integrity. They are both lifelong public servants who stand up for our democracy. They are also unafraid to work across the aisle. Join us as Republicans who are proud to cross the aisle to support them.

Craig Snyder
RAM PA State Lead



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700 Pennsylvania Ave SE
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