
There is a lot of interest in next Wednesday's Tributary Talk event: The Donor’s Role in Resourcing Movements! If you haven’t already registered we hope you take the time to do so today. 

As a reminder, guest speakers Hali Lee, Nneka Onwuzurike, and Elizabeth Scott will join HFJ President Maria De La Cruz to talk about how donors can better center community through their giving.  

Special thanks to those who took the time to share a question with their registration to help guide the conversation. Some themes that have emerged include: 

  • What is being in “right-relationship” with an organization?  
  • What does community look like among us donors, and how can donors center community in their everyday lives? 
  • What pathways do we have to democratize capital and power? 

We will close registration at noon on Tuesday, April 12. This will give us the time we need to prepare and get things just right; however, we will record the event and kick out the video for those who are unable to join us on the day-of.   

Thanks again for your interest. Everyone involved on this end looks forward to being in (virtual) community with you next week! 

Wellness and warmth, 
Mary Delorié  | she/her/hers 
Director of Individual Giving 
Direct: 612-400-6268 | [email protected] 

P.S. Stay tuned for an announcement about an in-person celebration we’re planning for the beginning of summer! Details to follow. 

Big shouts-out to our incredible Groundwater Sponsors who make our community a better place to be: 

Roya, LLC provides relational financial management, planning, and investment services!
Propel for Nonprofits has everything you need to know about supporting or becoming a nonprofit!
Claim our Space manages events and makes all the things shine!
Moon Palace Books is your locally-owned, radical, independent bookstore!

2801 21st Ave S, Ste 132B | Minneapolis, MN 55407