Ugandan children drop out of school as fees soar post-COVID

On top of rising poverty and child marriage, higher school costs are deterring low-income families from sending students back to class in the East African nation

'Ridiculous' length? How to make IPCC climate science reports an easier read

An explosion of climate research has bloated the U.N. assessments that guide governments, with some experts arguing for reforms to the process

IPCC points to need for 'radical action' as climate clock ticks down

Analysts, activists and officials point to need to quickly slash fossil fuel use as climate scientists release their latest report

Food, farming and forestry must be transformed to curb global warming, UN says

Measures like protecting forests from clear-cutting, storing carbon in farm soils and more sustainable diets can provide 20-30% of the emissions cuts needed to meet climate goals


OPINION: To solve climate change, dive into the power of the ocean

Our oceans hold as many opportunities for resilient low-carbon growth as can be found on land

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