Hi Friend,

As we approach the 50th anniversary of Title IX, we celebrate the important strides that women in sports have made. National championships, world titles, and Olympic medals have all helped the overall growth of women’s athletics. But while we can recognize all the amazing things women have accomplished and celebrate a momentous anniversary, we are starting to see the end of women’s sports as we know it. 

Recently more and more female athletes around the country are having to compete against biological boys and men. The most recent example has been Lia Thomas, who stole a NCAA championship from Olympic bronze medalist, Emma Weyant. This is just one of many opportunities stripped from a female athlete by an XY athlete. 
When females are forced to compete with and against males, they lose valuable opportunities including roster spots, scholarships, and accolades. Ultimately, it will end female sports.

IT’S NOT FAIR, and it defeats the purpose of Title IX, which was passed to increase opportunities for women and girls.

Join me and countless other women and share your voice and story.

Adriana McLamb
Female Athlete & Coach