Chris CoonsJoin us.
Dear John,

We've learned from the past week that Stephen Miller, a senior White House advisor responsible for crafting the administration's immigration policies, regularly spreads some of the most hateful, bigoted, and even white-supremacist theories around.

Let that sink in.

The Southern Poverty Law Center — which closely monitors the activities of domestic hate groups — released hundreds of emails from Miller in which he touted a novel that warns of migrant invasion, raged at retailers who stopped selling Confederate flags, and pushed for the publication of racist immigration stories.

The emails prove what we've known all along: Miller has violated the values of tolerance and diversity that should be a hallmark of our democracy. We can't let him do any more damage, sign your name now to demand he resign.

As the chief architect of President Trump's hateful anti-immigrant agenda, Miller has created a climate of fear that has demonized immigrants, separated thousands of children from their families, and banned people from Muslim countries from entering the U.S.

It's clear that Miller doesn't belong in the White House, and he definitely shouldn't be dictating our immigration policy. Join Senator Coons in demanding his resignation today.

Thank you,

Team Coons

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