The transportation secretary showed just how little regard she has for the needs of New Jerseyans.

I’m sick and tired of this: The Portal Bridge Project is one of our most urgent infrastructure priorities, but Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao has showed just how little regard she has for the needs of New Jerseyans.

I met with Secretary Chao to ask why progress on the Portal Bridge Project is stuck. She said the project couldn’t move forward until it has funding. It does have funding -- the Transportation Department just needs to release it.

Secretary Chao hasn’t even done her homework.

Sign our petition and demand Secretary Chao take action on the Portal Bridge Project.

Secretary Chao has been playing favorites: Kentucky -- her husband, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s state -- has had $78 million in transportation projects approved while we wait for her department’s approval on the Portal Bridge.

Secretary Chao is prioritizing the people she has special connections with over the safety of commuters who ride the 450 trains that cross Portal Bridge every day.

Call for Secretary Chao to move forward on the Portal Bridge Project and get back to work for the Americans she’s supposed to serve.

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Paid for by Mikie Sherrill for Congress

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