Citizens Against Government Waste
The more recklessly they spend, the more YOU suffer.
Joe Biden has empty promises and empty
pockets for the American people - but big fat hand outs for
"progressive" pet projects.
While he leaves hard-working families to fend for themselves with
the highest inflation in 40 years, he just signed an omnibus
spending bill that provides more than $100 billion on Green New
Deal initiatives and funds many other Far-Left programs.
But he tells you it's your "patriotic duty" to choose between
paying your heating bills and feeding your family.
It couldn't be clearer: Joe Biden and his big-spending allies in
Congress think your tax dollars should serve everyone but you.
But I know that's not true - and I know you do too.
That's why I urge you to make a generous, tax-deductible donation
to Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) and continue our
decades-long work of slashing careless federal spending.
My name is Tom Schatz. I am the president of Citizens Against
Government Waste (CAGW) and I've been with this organization for
36 years, so I would like to tell you what we have done and why
we need your help.
We aren't just against government waste in name - we oppose and
DEFEAT government waste in action.
For every dollar donated, we've eliminated $9,000 in destructive
Imagine how much more we'd be able to eliminate with your
generous gift of $25 or more.
CAGW continues the legacy of the Grace Commission, named after
our co-founder J. Peter Grace.
In 1982, President Reagan directed the Grace Commission to "work
like tireless bloodhounds to root out government inefficiency and
waste of tax dollars," and that's exactly what we did, and have
done every day since our founding.
In a little over two decades, we've saved taxpayers $2.3 trillion
by implementing Grace Commission findings and other
And with you by our side, I know we can save taxpayers even more.
CAGW's membership has grown from 5,000 members in February 1988
to more than one million members and supporters today.
And as government grows, so must our waste-fighting army.
That's why I hope you'll join us today with a generous,
tax-deductible gift of $25 or more.
Joe Biden wants patriots like you and me to think he's too
powerful to be checked or stopped.
He wants us to think resistance is futile - but I know that isn't
No matter how wasteful the administration, or how hostile the
powers that be, CAGW gets results.
Under the Obama-Biden administration...
We terminated the $223 million Bridge to Nowhere by getting
Congress to defund it and Alaska to cancel it.
Congress enacted the Internet Tax Freedom Act, permanently
banning states from taxing Internet access, and saved Americans
from a new tax bill totaling up to $14.7 billion annually.
Congress enacted the Improper Payments Elimination and Recovery
Act of 2010 which to date has saved $14.8 billion.
And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) is a private,
nonpartisan, nonprofit organization powered for and by citizens
like you.
Will you give us the ammunition we need to fight for you, and cut
wasteful spending wherever we find it?
"CAGW researches and identifies the most blatant waste in
government and shows how it can be eliminated. CAGW has a long
and successful record of winning major cuts in wasteful spending
without sacrificing America's defenses."
The late Sen. Bob Dole (R-Kan.)
I'm writing to you today because politicians think your
hard-earned money is their trust fund to spend on their every
whim - with no rhyme, reason or accountability.
They've forgotten that they work for you, not the other way
The more recklessly they spend, the more YOU suffer.
And of course, Biden and Democrats in Congress have nothing to
say but "good luck" and "it's Putin's fault."
But it's not Vladimir Putin's fault if you're struggling to put
gas in your car, and it's not his fault if you're struggling to
put food on the table.
The costs of basic goods are skyrocketing because OUR government
is spending trillions frivolously, and unless we come together to
put a stop to it, our quality of life will only get worse.
I hope I can count on your support today.
Tom Schatz
Citizens Against Government Waste
Donate Now and Defeat Wasteful Spending
Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW)
is the nation's largest taxpayer watchdog group with more than 1
million members and supporters nationwide. It is a 501(c)(3)
nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to eliminating
waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement in government.
Contributions to CAGW are tax-deductible as charitable
contributions to the extent permitted by law.
©2022 Citizens Against Government Waste. All rights
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