
When President Trump was impeached by the House for inciting the January 6th Insurrection, ten Republican representatives voted in support of his impeachment. That’s ten members of Congress who understood the importance of protecting our democracy over furthering the interests of their own party.

With GOP Rep. Fred Upton’s latest retirement announcement, four of those ten representatives are now leaving Congress. The remainder face censures from their state parties and hard primary challenges from insurgent extremists in their districts.

Put simply, there has been an intra-party battle since the January 6th Insurrection, and The 147 won. And that raises the stakes of the 2022 midterms even more. If we lose Congress, it won’t be level-headed GOP members like Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger in charge of critical legislative committees.

It’ll be Jim Jordan holding the speaker’s gavel, Matt Gaetz in charge of the Judiciary, and Marjorie Taylor Greene running hearings at the Oversight Committee.

There are no more moderates anymore, friend. It’s just us against The 147. Donate now to make sure we keep them from ever taking power in the people’s House.


-Operation 147



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