Aaron Ford for Attorney General

Hey john!

I know Aaron already reached out, but I wanted to take another moment to say thank you so much again for all your support last quarter. Having a dedicated team like you at our side makes my job as Campaign Manager easier – and I can’t thank you enough for all your help. 

Today I’m reaching out not to ask for money, but instead just a moment of your time. Our team always wants to know what’s on our supporters’ minds. One of the best ways we can get a sense is through our April priorities survey that will only take you a few moments to fill out:


It’s important to Aaron and our entire team that we are continually addressing the issues that you care about most, and collecting your survey responses helps us do just that. Plus, it’s a great opportunity for you to have your voice heard. 

So what do you say, john? Can you spare a minute and help strengthen our campaign by sharing your thoughts? Click this link to start the survey. >>

Thanks so much, 
