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April 5, 2022
Take Action!
Ask Your Representatives to Oppose New COVID Funding
Congress seems to be stuck in the movie Groundhog Day. Over the last two years, trillions of dollars have been allocated toward so-called “COVID relief,” and they are about to pass more. Instead of focusing on important issues at hand, they are rehashing ways to waste our taxpayer money and drive up the national debt.
The House and Senate are considering two COVID packages. House Democrats $55 billion Restaurant Revitalization Fund Replenishment Act (H.R. 3807) would add $42 billion to the Restaurant Revitalization Fund. Additionally, a new small business grant will be created to the tune of $13 billion for businesses that suffered during the pandemic. The $4 trillion in unspent COVID funding would cover this amount, however, Democrats refuse to redistribute those funds.
Meanwhile, the Senate has come to an agreement with the White House to pass $10 billion in COVID vaccine and testing funding. Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) claims that the entire bill is paid for with unspent COVID money, but the White House continues to push for more.
Democrats have only wreaked havoc with their spending over the last couple of years. We are seeing our paychecks dwindle away due to soaring inflation, yet they want to spend more. More COVID funding will only add fuel to the fire. 
Please call or email your Representative and Senators today to ask them to vote against any additional COVID funding!
Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121
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