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World Resources Institute


6 Takeaways from the New IPCC Report on Climate Change Mitigation 

Preventing the worst impacts of climate change requires limiting global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees C (2.7 degrees F). Climate scientists find that we only have three short years to peak the world’s GHG emissions and keep this target in reach. WRI experts explain this and other alarming findings from the latest IPCC report. Read more.

by Raphael Pouget/Climate Visuals Countdown
Cleaning a solar panel in Hore Mondji, Mauritania. The latest climate science shows that all electricity generation must be low-carbon by 2050 to prevent the worst effects of climate change. Photo by Raphael Pouget/Climate Visuals Countdown
Photo by Benjamin Jones/Unsplash

Seagrass: The Ocean’s Overlooked Powerhouse 

The ocean floor’s lush green carpet provides myriad benefits — everything from curbing climate change to keeping fisheries stocked to reducing water pollution. And yet many people have never even heard of seagrass, never mind understand its value. Learn more about this unsung ecosystem.

Photo by Shashi Yadav/Unsplash

7 Ways to Fix Urban Inequality 

More than 1.2 billion city dwellers lack access to basic services like running water, electricity, decent housing, affordable transport and more. WRI research lays out seven major transformations that can not only solve urban inequality, but bring economic, environmental and social benefits. Maeve Weston and Robin King explain.

Photo monitcello-Shutterstock

The Ukraine Crisis Threatens a Sustainable Food Future 

The humanitarian and economic consequences of Russia's invasion of Ukraine will extend far beyond the region, putting potentially millions of people at risk of hunger. This isn’t just a short-term threat: Decisions farmers and policymakers make over the coming weeks could affect global food systems for years to come. Learn more about solutions that support food security and climate goals.



Visualizing & Analyzing Integrated Deforestation Alerts
Tuesday, May 3, 2022
9:00 am - 10:00 am EDT

Electric School Buses & the EPA Clean School Bus Program
Tuesday, May 10, 2022
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm EDT