From Senate Conservatives <[email protected]>
Subject Support Herschel Walker
Date April 5, 2022 4:01 PM
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Help build a conservative Senate by supporting Herschel Walker.
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Senate Conservatives Fund
Herschel Walker

Senate Conservatives Fund is proud to endorse Herschel Walker for U.S. Senate in Georgia.

You may remember Walker as a star running back for the University of Georgia Bulldogs and then in the NFL. But your kids and grandkids will remember him as a stalwart conservative patriot who helped make America great again.

Walker is one of the top conservative Senate candidates of this election cycle. The media wants to portray him as a celebrity candidate, but it's his ideas and toughness they really fear.

Walker is running on the conservative issues that matter most:

▶︎ Border security
▶︎ Energy independence
▶︎ Backing the Blue
▶︎ The 2nd Amendment
▶︎ Pro-family values

Please make a generous contribution to his campaign. ([link removed])

Walker is a pro-life, pro-gun, pro-constitution, America-First leader. He won the full endorsement of President Donald Trump, and Senate Conservatives Fund is putting all our strength behind him, too.

Georgia is a critical battleground state for Senate control. The incumbent Democrat, Raphael Warnock, is a left-wing radical – extreme for any state, but especially for Georgia.

Warnock is one of the woke, socialist Democrats who helped unleash Biden-flation, open our borders, and put teachers' unions ahead of parents and children in our schools.

Replacing him with a conservative star like Herschel Walker is like winning two elections in one. And SCF's support is crucial – to show conservatives around the country that THIS is the race, and HERSCHEL WALKER is the candidate.

Please do your part today and send $10, $25, $50, or more to help Herschel Walker run to Washington! ([link removed])

SCF will pay all processing fees so Herschel can spend 100% of your contributions on voter contact.

Let's work together to win this race so we can take control of the Senate away from the Democrats AND build a conservative Senate controlled by leaders who will fight for our future.

Thank you for considering this request and for being part of our team.

Mary Vought Signature
Mary Vought
Executive Director
Senate Conservatives Fund
@MaryVought ([link removed]) / @SCF ([link removed])

Herschel Walker
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Senate Conservatives Fund
300 Independence Ave SE
Washington, DC 20003

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Senate Conservatives Fund is a grassroots organization that promotes conservative policies and helps elect conservative candidates to the U.S. Senate. SCF was founded by former Senator Jim DeMint to help the grassroots change Washington.

Contributions to the Senate Conservatives Fund are not deductible as charitable contributions. Contributions from corporations or foreign nationals lacking permanent resident status are not permitted. Federal law requires us to report the name, mailing address, occupation, and employer for each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 in a calendar year. Not paid for at taxpayer expense.
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