and here's how you can help Get Greens Elected



Today we were in south east London to launch the Green Party's 2022 local election campaign; Fairer, Greener Communities.

We’ve been travelling all over England and Wales over the past few months and what is coming through loud and clear is that the cost of living crisis is at the forefront of everyone’s minds. From small, rural communities to city estates, people are increasingly concerned by how hard this cost of living crisis is hitting.



Residents have been telling us that they are scared about their next energy bill, and their weekly shops are becoming ever more expensive. We are reaching a critical point.

Now, more than ever, we need decision-makers to be making positive change happen quickly.


Greens across the country are pushing for retrofit programmes, insulation and renewable energy, which will keep homes warm, energy bills low, and neighbourhood emissions drastically reduced.


Getting Greens in power also means more steps being taken to protect the natural world, and it means people in power who actually listen to what you want. 

That’s what Greens are all about - fairness and community - sensible, practical solutions - and protecting the places we live and the people we care about.


You have a vital role in getting Greens elected this May. Our movement depends on all of us standing together to shift the balance of power and win seats all over England and Wales.


We need you to donate to the campaign if you can, contact your local party to get involved in volunteering, and, of course, Vote Green on 5th May!

Thank you for all your support,

Carla and Adrian

Co-leaders, Green Party of England and Wales