Looks like you're not a current member of San Francisco Transit Riders. Buy a ticket to our End of Year Party and get a free annual membership for 2020!

Year-End Rapid Advocate Party!
New Director of Transportation
Prop D Passed
Transit Surveys


December 11: Year-End Party!

'Tis the season to celebrate all we've done, and celebrate all our volunteers and supporters who've made it possible - join us!

Wednesday, December 11
5:30 - 8:30pm
Remix HQ
1128 Howard St.

We'll have our annual Volunteer Awards, as well as special guests sharing what a robust network of rapid Muni routes means to them. Plus DJ, food, beer & wine, and the best group of transit advocates and professionals to gather together in San Francisco!

Every ticket sold goes towards our goal of raising $30,000 by the end of December, so we can match grant funding and hire a full-time 30x30 Rapid Advocate!

We have already achieved so much: engaged so many riders in developing the Rapid Rider Network that can connect all neighborhoods in San Francisco; built the support of so many community groups; earned the support of elected officials; and even got SFMTA to establish a team to look at improvements for the 29 Sunset - which is the first step towards getting a 29 Sunset Rapid!

Make sure we can hire a full-time advocate to move our campaigns forward for a 29 Sunset Rapid, a 22 Fillmore Rapid, and a T Third that actually works! All this while we continue to define the larger Rapid Network we need for a livable, sustainable, accessible San Francisco.


Welcome to the new SFMTA Director of Transportation!

After all the months of speculation, we're excited to welcome Jeff Tumlin as the Director of Transportation! Jeff spoke at our original "30x30: Make Transit Awesome" campaign party over 3 years ago. He understands the importance of excellent public transit, and is familiar with bringing everyone to the table to find solution

He's been making a splash already on Twitter, a month before he officially starts, calling out the poor signal timing on the T Third, commending our operators and mechanics, and bemoaning how a few cars can really mess up Muni and leave riders with longer and longer delays.

We appreciate his support of Julie Kirschbaum as the leader of the Transit Division of SFMTA. Jeff said his "job is to clear a path to ensure her success⁩."

Jeff has taken on a huge challenge, and we look forward to working with him to ensure everyone's success in making San Francisco a truly transit-first city that puts riders first. Welcome, Jeff!


Prop D passed - barely!

Thank you for everyone who spread the word about Prop D, and everyone who voted! Prop D was too close to call for days, but finally the numbers settled above the 66.66% yes votes needed to pass.

An estimated $30 million will be raised each year, half of it directly for Muni service. This will help us hire more operators, buy more vehicles, and invest in state-of-good-repair and infrastructure - including elevators and escalators. The other half is going to SFCTA for other safe streets improvements, including traffic signals. We'll be there to push for traffic signals that improve Muni service!

Transit Surveys

Got opinions about transit? Good, because lots of folks want 'em!

  • Only a couple days left to take the 5 Fulton survey and tell SFTMA transit is more important than parking! (Why that's even a question ... arg.)
  • Our very own 30x30 survey - what, you haven't filled it out yet? It's quick!
  • Reimagine SamTrans will consider everything from customer experience, to route design, to how often buses run, to efficient and effective operations and practice. SamTrans needs your feedback on this critical effort! Take the Reimagine Survey.

San Francisco Transit Riders
P.O. Box 193341,  | San Francisco, California  94119 

[email protected]
