Make your voice heard on electric transportation in Minnesota - submit Clean Cars comments online by December 6.

And the Emmy Goes to...Pollinator-Friendly Solar
We recently gathered with friends and colleagues to celebrate an Emmy® Award for “Pollinator-Friendly Solar,” a TV segment on Prairie Sportsman, a Granite Falls-based Pioneer Public Television program. Fresh Energy helped connect the filmmakers with people and programs in Minnesota working to make solar fields pollinator-friendly, as well as those who are benefiting from these efforts. Get all the details, watch a preview, and check out what Senator Tina Smith had to say here.
Thank you to all of our supporters across Minnesota who are stepping up to meet the challenge of our changing climate. Together we can make lasting improvements in our clean energy economy to benefit the health of future generations, our communities, and our planet. Missed Give to the Max Day? It’s not too late to make a donation to Fresh Energy!

An Update on Clean Cars
On November 19, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) conducted its last of six public meetings, the first phase of the rulemaking process for Clean Cars. Supporters have come out in force to speak in favor of Clean Cars Minnesota, representing rural, urban, and suburban areas, and a diversity of ages and communities throughout the state. The momentum for Clean Cars is building, and it is critical that we sustain it moving forward. Now through December 6, MPCA is accepting comments online related to the proposed Clean Cars rule. Read more.

Fresh Energy at the
Global Climate Summit in Madrid

This December, Fresh Energy’s science policy director, J. Drake Hamilton, will travel to Madrid, Spain, to participate in the United Nations 25th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP25). J. will be posting daily updates from the summit beginning on December 2. She anticipates giving readers timely news on the most impactful parts of the negotiations. Get all the details here!
Minnesota has a linchpin role in the future of energy and climate. Please join Fresh Energy and our partners as we advocate for bold action at the Minnesota State Capitol! We also need your help weighing in on important issues including Clean Cars, Xcel Energy's Integrated Resource Plan, and the VW settlement draft plan. Check out our new Take Action page to stay up to speed on all the ways you can plug in.
The Autumn edition of Energy Matters just landed in mailboxes! Check out your copy to read up on Clean Cars in Minnesota, a new rental-focused resource, Xcel's Integrated Resource Plan, the Energy News Network, and more. View a PDF of Energy Matters here.
To continue our work, we rely on the generosity of people like you who care about America’s energy future. We are thankful for our recent members and corporate supporters in October. Click here to see the full list.

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