From Voto Latino <[email protected]>
Subject “Sen. Mark Kelly needs Latino voters to win” — The Arizona Republic
Date April 4, 2022 9:55 PM
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“Sen. Mark Kelly needs Latino voters to win”
— The Arizona Republic

Voto Latino registered MORE voters than President Biden’s margin of victory in Arizona in 2020.

Help us do it again and keep the Senate BLUE this November >> [link removed]

Did you see this, John?

According to experts in Arizona, Democratic Senator Mark Kelly needs to register and turn out more young Latinos to win re-election in this November’s midterms. And as it turns out, Voto Latino knows a thing or two about doing just that!

In 2020, we registered MORE voters than President Biden’s margin of victory in Arizona. And an independent analysis has proven that nearly 80% of the voters we registered actually turned out! That means our efforts were literally the difference between winning and losing.

The stakes were high then, and they’re just as high now. If Democrats lose in states like Arizona in November, Republicans will take control of the Senate and pave the way for another Trump campaign in 2024.

We need to do everything we can to stop that from happening — and that means registering and turning out even more young Latinx voters! Will you pitch in now to help us do it?

>> [link removed]

We did it once and we can do it again, but we’re counting on grassroots supporters like you to get the job done. Please, pitch in anything you can today. Any amount makes a difference!

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More updates soon,

The Voto Latino Team

Voto Latino
PO Box 35608
Washington , DC 20033
United States
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