
At the start of each month, our team sends out a priorities survey to gauge what’s at the top of our supporters' minds. Maybe you’ve filled one of these out before, maybe you haven’t — either way, it would really help us out if you could take a few moments out of your day to tell us your top issues heading into April. >>

The reason we ask you to fill out these surveys is because Jon and the rest of our team always want to be speaking to and addressing your most pressing needs. Whatever you care about most is what Jon wants to be working on — that’s what it means when your Senator works for you, not shady special interests or big dollar donors. 

This is a great opportunity to have your voice heard by Jon, and it will make our campaign stronger in return. We’re eager to read your responses, so please fill out our April priorities survey as soon as possible.


Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts with us. We really appreciate it. 

Team Tester