Here’s our game plan, John – and how you can help. //


If you’re like us, you’ve spent the last few weeks reflecting on the election. We grew our movement and inspired Canadians – and elected some amazing New Democrats to fight for people.

But here at HQ, we’ve also been doing a lot of thinking about what’s next – how we build on the successes of the campaign and get ready for the big things that are ahead.

John, we need to know we have a strong foundation of resources that we can rely on so we can start planning for what’s next. That’s why we’re asking our core supporters to become monthly donors. Will you commit to $10 a month so we can keep building?

Chip in!

John, we're so excited about the opportunities we have right now. Jagmeet and our team are heading into the house – where we’re committed to making sure government works for people and not the richest corporations.

Jagmeet has committed to starting with pharmacare for all – because Canadians have been waiting 22 years for the Liberals to follow through. We won’t let them make us wait any longer.

But to push for the services Canadians need, we need to be able to plan now for strong campaigns across the country to spread the word. And we need to do it all while getting election ready as quickly as possible – because an election could happen at any time.

This is an amazing time to be a New Democrat – but we can’t afford to take our foot off the gas now. Help us keep building – become a monthly donor by giving $10 this month and every month.



Your NDP Team

* If you are already a valued monthly donor, thank you for your contribution! We have done our best to make sure our existing monthly donors are excluded from this email, but sometimes our email database doesn’t capture the most updated monthly donation information. If you would like to find out more information about your donations, please reach out to our donation team at 1-866-525-2555 x 1. Our monthly donors are a key part of the work we’re able to do and we appreciate your support!


New Democratic Party of Canada

300-279 Laurier West, Ottawa, ON, K1P5J9 | 1-866-525-2555
