Ilhan for Congress

Team, I know what it’s like to struggle with student debt, and I find it unconscionable that 43 million people are burdened with it in the richest country in the world.

That’s why I recently met with President Biden, alongside my fellow members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, to discuss how much it’s helped student loan borrowers to have a pause in payments during the pandemic.

On average, families have saved $393 a month — an amount that could make the difference between putting food on the table or not.

We made sure President Biden knew that we have the power to change lives and livelihoods for the better if we finally, permanently cancel a meaningful amount of student loan debt — like he promised on the campaign trail.

Let’s show how much widespread support exists for student loan cancellation: If you agree that we must cancel student loan debt, will you add your name next to mine?


In solidarity,

Ilhan Omar