Today marks one year since the manufactured and disgraceful “60 Minutes” hit job, where the smear merchants at CBS promulgated not one, but two wild-eyed conspiracy theories about me.
While ignoring the facts, a partisan "reporter" at 60 Minutes aired a false report about Florida and our leadership to protect the most vulnerable during COVID. You probably also remember that 60 Minutes and their CBS bosses deceptively edited the video of me destroying their narrative.
Sadly, 60 Minutes did what corporate media does: they manufactured a false narrative, built a news package around it, and then aired it to millions of people in an attempt to smear one of their political opponents.
To be candid, John, I’m not surprised. I’m used to the media lying about me and about the good people of Florida. This happens every single day.
The facts never matter to the media’s lying Democrat propagandists because they are nothing more than activist journalists who work for the Democrat Party in order to smear Republicans like me.
But I have news for them: they’re messing with the wrong governor. If the corporate media thinks they can just run all over me without any response, they are surely mistaken. I will always fight back against their lies, smears, and propaganda.
Thank you for standing with me in the fight against the lying corporate media.